Talk about pregnancy loss. Laura highlights that specialist training sessions, like those offered by The Worst Girl Gang Ever, can help by ‘opening up the dialogue around baby loss in the workplace to avoid any elements of silence or shame’.
Encourage people to speak about pregnancy and parenthood sensitively. Whilst it’s impossible to completely eliminate triggers, Faith advises being mindful of things like baby announcements “ if someone on the team is announcing that they’re going on maternity leave, just checking in with your team member and making sure they’re not caught off guard can be really thoughtful.”
Remember that everyone will deal with loss differently. “It’s so important to support your team members as individuals during their recovery and take a personalised approach to help them return to work”, says Laura. As Ben highlights, some people will want to throw themselves into work, while others may deal with things very differently.
If a team member experiences a miscarriage at work - ensure they have quick access to a toilet and offer to call anyone close to them. Book them a taxi home or to the hospital - or, call an ambulance if you are concerned about them.
Remember that getting pregnant again, or parenting after loss can be difficult - expecting or having a baby after experiencing loss can bring up complex and difficult feelings - be sure to check in regularly with team members to ensure they’re feeling supported.
Make acknowledgement and support consistent. Faith highlights that “if someone goes through baby loss or pregnancy loss multiple times, it can be the case that the first time everyone is very supportive, and then as it keeps happening, the support wanes, when in fact, it’s still much needed”.